Getting to the critical few factors that drive managers’ engagement

Highly engaged managers are what makes strategy execution possible. If you work on strategy you may think of highly engaged managers as a means to implement strategy efficiently. This is understandable. And here is the unexpected: having unclear strategy or poorly implementing it leads to disengagement of managers, regardless of whatever else you try.

The last engagement project which I worked on in a financial company, strongly supports the 2nd statement. We studied engagement and 65 factors that influence engagement. We divided managers into 3 groups: highly, moderately and nominally engaged, then we compared highly to nominally engaged managers.

The chart shows the key differences between highly and nominally engaged managers.

5 of 10 critical factors that drive managers enagagement

Out of 65 factors influencing engagement we identified the top 10 that separate highly engaged mangers from nominally engaged managers. It appeared that 5 of these top 10 factors driving a manager’s engagement were strictly connected to strategy. These were:


Understanding of benefits resulting from changes


Clear division of responsibility for changes


Practice of engaging managers in changes


Understanding of the role in the strategy


attitude towards strategic changes

So, let the strategy speak loudly in your company to drive managers’ engagement or otherwise your engagement initiative may fail.

Written by:
Andrzej Brzozowski, partner w firmie doradczej BENTEN

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